遙 距 動 物 靈 氣 療 癒 Distant Animal Reiki Healing
每次 30 分鐘 (HK$200)
需要主人給的信息( 請電郵給 petmamagarden@gmail.com ):毛小孩的照片, 毛小孩居住地址、 姓名、年齡、健康問題、動物類型、性別
透過電郵預約遙距靈氣療癒的日期和時間. 主人和寵物不需要為靈氣療癒準備任何事情,只需放鬆在家享受靈氣便可。
注 意 :
靈氣療癒是輔助療法,讓生病的復元過程更順利, 平衡動物的體內能量、協助牠們放鬆,促進免疫系統,加強抵抗力。
了解更多 ,請按 靈氣療癒 Q & A
Each distant reiki healing session is 30 minutes (HK$200)
After healing session has completed, an email will be sent to you to follow up with the pet's status
Booking are accepted through email: petmamagarden@gmail.com
Information I need from pet owner (by email): pet's photo, pet's name, address, age, health issue, breed, sex.
There's nothing needs to be prepare for the session, just simply let your pets enjoy and relax at home for the reiki healing.
A small gift will be send to each pets that has completed a reiki healing session (sent by local post)
Important message:
Reiki healing cannot replace any veterinarian / doctor advice, medication, surgery, therapy. Please take your pets to a veterinarian if there are any health issue.
Reiki Healing is an adjunctive therapy that helps the health recovery process smoother, balances the energy , helps relax and promote the immune system.
For Reiki Q&A, please click here