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然 手 工 冷 壓 狗 狗 洗 澡 皂  Natural Cold Pressed Dog Washing Soap 

環保 + 不使用棕櫚油 + PETA認證無殘酷動物測試 + 小量製作 


驅 蚤 止 瘙 癢 洗 澡 皂

用乳木果, 椰子油等等天然植物成分製成,溫和清潔狗狗皮膚和毛髮。不含精油, 無香味。

天然驅蚤, 舒緩及止痕癢配方,適合皮膚發癢和常在外玩耍的狗狗使用。



如 何 使 用 :


以溫水將狗狗毛髮弄濕,將洗澡皂加水至起泡,輕輕地按摩到狗狗的身體毛髮上。按摩後, 用溫水徹底沖洗乾淨。



溫 馨 提 示 :

只可外部使用 .  存放在陰涼乾燥地方 .  如使用後感到不適,請停止使用。

HK$95 per soap

網 上 訂 購:  可 於 及 訂 購(搜 尋 Petmama Garden)

電 郵 訂 購(接 受 Payme、FPS、PayPal, Payoneer, 本地銀行轉賬)

100% handmade cold-pressed soap with natural plant ingredients. 

Eco-friendly + Palm oil free + PETA certified cruelty free + made in small batch 


Each soap takes 50 days to finish the whole making process, the longer the process, the lower pH level the

soap has.  A lower pH level soap is more gentle on the dog's skin.


Anti-Fleas & Itch Dog Soap

Natural formula for control fleas & relieve itches for dogs.  Made with shea butter, coconut oil & other plants ingredients.  Helps to relieve itches and control fleas.  Suitable for dogs with itching skin and/or dogs that often

go outdoors. Gently cleanse dog's skin and coat.  Non-scented.  Mild to dogs & the earth

Use :

wet coat, lather soap, massage onto dog's coat/skin, rinse off completely with warm water.  Avoid soap getting into eyes & nose. Recommend to use with a soap net to create a luxury foam.


water, coconut oil, olive oil, rice bran oil, castor oil, shea butter, NaOH, pure lavender essential oil


For external use only .  Store in cool dry place . If irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

HK$95 per soap

Order Online: and (search for Petmama Garden)

Order by Email:  (accept Payme, Paypal, Payoneer FPS and local bank transfer)

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