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減少家裡的有毒化學物 Reduce toxin at home

Writer's picture: Petmama VivianPetmama Vivian


狗狗 Happy 的離開, 對我產生了很大的影響。 Happy 的惡性腫瘤,導致他在最後一年經歷了巨大的痛苦 ...

我開始思考為什麼才8歲就得了這種病…… 是因為狗糧、化學寵物產品、化學清潔劑或是缺乏親近大自然的生活等等嗎?? 我永遠不會知道答案...


現在,我盡力照顧Manager Panda。 除了盡量讓他吃天然食物外,也減少家裡環境的毒素。

我會在Blog 和 SNS 上分享一些簡單的 DIY 家庭清潔劑方法, 希望為毛小孩製造一個更好的生活環境 : )

Reduce toxic chemicals in our home is important for ourself and our furry baby's heath.

Everything we put onto the skin and everything we inhale, goes into the body.

The death of my dog Happy has impacted me a lot in many ways. His last year was in so much pain because of an aggressive tumor.

I began to think why he have this illness at only 8 years old... was it the commercial dog food, the chemical pet products, chemical cleaners or living in the city without nature, etc. etc. etc. ? But I will never know the answer. Every reason just breaks my heart because I could of known better....

Now, I am trying my best to take care of Manager Panda. Beside giving him a wholefood diet as much as possible, making the home environment less toxic is also very essential. I will be sharing some easy DIY home cleaner recipe here and on SNS.

Let's make a better environment for our furry babies : )


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